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A Clinical Dental Technician and a dentist are both excellent professionals, but they are not the same. Learn about the differences between a dentist and Clinical Dental Technician here.

A Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) is a qualified dental professional who is dedicated to creating and fitting dentures. CDTs focus solely on denture services, including designing, creating, and repairing different types of dentures. They also offer consultations to help patients choose the right type of denture for their needs.

A Clinical Dental Technician  can provide a range of denture services, including full and partial dentures, implant retained dentures, Ultra Grip Dentures, flexible dentures, and immediate dentures. They work with different materials, such as acrylic and chrome, to create dentures that are comfortable, functional, and natural-looking. CDTs have expertise in creating dentures that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

On the other hand, a dentist is a qualified dental professional who focuses on oral health care. Dentists provide a range of services, including teeth cleaning, fillings, extractions, and root canals. They also offer cosmetic dental services such as teeth whitening and veneers.

While both dentists and CDTs can provide denture services, CDTs have more training and experience in creating and fitting dentures. If you need dentures, it’s essential to visit a CDT to ensure you receive the best care and attention.

At sMiles Better, our CDTs offer a range of denture services to help you restore your smile and improve your quality of life. We provide full and partial dentures, implant retained dentures, ultra grip dentures, flexible grip dentures, and immediate dentures. Our team of professionals will work with you to create a customised solution that meets your unique needs.

In summary, if you need denture services, it’s best to visit a specialist Clinical Dental Technician. At sMiles Better, we offer a wide range of denture services to help you restore your smile and improve your quality of life.  Call us today on 0161 796 2404, or use the Contact Page to get in touch.