Which types of dentures would be best for me? Should I choose complete or partial dentures? Firstly, you need to understand the differences. Further details are listed here to help you.
Dentures are an excellent option for those who have lost their teeth. They can provide a natural-looking and functional replacement for missing teeth. There are different types of dentures available, including partial and complete dentures. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs.
Partial dentures are recommended when you have some natural teeth remaining, while complete dentures are recommended when you have lost all your natural teeth. Partial dentures can be used to replace one or several missing teeth, and they are held in place by clasps that attach to your remaining teeth. Complete dentures, on the other hand, are designed to replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw, or both.
If you are unsure which option is best for you, it is recommended to speak to a Clinical Dental Technician. They can help you to understand the different types of dentures and which one would be most suitable for your needs. They can also explain the process of getting dentures and what you can expect during the fitting and adjustment process.
It’s important to remember that regardless of the type of denture you choose, it’s essential to get them from a qualified dental professional. An experienced Clinical Dental Technician can ensure that your dentures fit comfortably and look natural.
At sMiles Better, we offer a range of different dentures, including upper and lower dentures, implant retained dentures, Ultra Grip Dentures, flexible dentures, and immediate dentures. Our team of experienced Clinical Dental Technicians can help you choose the best option for your needs and provide you with high-quality, comfortable dentures that will restore your smile and improve your oral health.
Obviously, the choice between complete or partial dentures will depend on your specific dental needs. A Clinical Dental Technician can help you to understand the different types of dentures, and which one would be most suitable for you. At sMiles Better, we are committed to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with our range of different dentures. Call us today on 0161 796 2404 oe use the Contact Form to get in touch.