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A Guide to Denture Maintenance: Ensuring Longevity and Oral Health

Caring for your dentures and maintaining their condition is essential for their durability and your overall oral hygiene. Like natural teeth, dentures demand regular maintenance, albeit with methods tailored to their unique material. This guide is designed to offer key strategies for the effective upkeep of your dentures.

Routine Cleansing

Daily cleansing is imperative and a key part of caring for your dentures. Given that dentures are made from materials different from our natural teeth, they require a specific cleaning regimen. Opt for a soft denture brush and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner to delicately dislodge food remnants and plaque. Regular toothpaste should be avoided as it can scratch dentures, leading to stains and odours.

Careful Handling Required

The fragility of dentures means they can easily be damaged if mishandled. To mitigate the risk of breakage, always cushion the sink with water or a soft towel when cleaning your dentures above it. This simple step can save you from accidental drops and potential damage.

Nightly Soaking

To preserve their shape, dentures often need to be kept moist. Soaking them in water or a gentle soaking solution overnight is recommended. It’s important to adhere to the instructions provided by the denture manufacturer or your dental professional, as specific denture types may require different approaches in caringfor your dentures.

Avoid Hot Water

Exposing dentures to hot water can cause them to warp. Always use water that is cool or at room temperature for rinsing and soaking your dentures to avoid altering their shape.

Frequent Dental Check Up Visits

Ensuring you have regular check-ups with Smiles Better is crucial for the wellbeing of both your natural teeth and your dentures. These visits allow for the examination of denture fit and necessary adjustments over time, as changes in the shape of your mouth can affect how your dentures fit, impacting comfort and leading to potential irritation or infection.

Selecting the Right Cleaning Agents

It is important to avoid using any bleach-based cleaners on your dentures, as these can weaken the structure and cause discoloration. Similarly, abrasive cleaning tools and harsh toothpastes should be avoided to prevent damage.

In summary, the proper care of dentures involves their regular and gentle cleaning, careful handling to avoid damage, nightly soaking to maintain shape, avoidance of hot water to prevent warping, and ongoing dental check-ups for fit adjustments. Adhering to these practices ensures the longevity of your dentures and supports your oral health, allowing you to enjoy the confidence that comes with a healthy smile and the ability to enjoy food comfortably.

For more information about caring for your dentures of to arrange a check up call us on 0161 796 2404 or use the Contact Form to get in touch.